KIDS4ALLL - Key Inclusive Development Strategies forLifeLongLearning
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004807
Ambito disciplinare Macroarea 3
Area scientifica Area 16 - Scienze politiche e sociali
Tipologia finanziamento PROGETTI HORIZON 2020 (Finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea)
Tipo di progetto Internazionale
Stato progetto Aperto
Responsabilità scientifica Coordinatore
Data avvio: 1 April 2021
Data termine: 31 March 2024
Durata: 36 mesi
Importo: € 3.039.903,63
Coordinatore: Per l'unità di Padova: Prof. Andrea M. Maccarini
University of Turin: lead partner
Oslo Metropolitan University
Tarki Social research Institute
Sirius – Policy Network on Migrant Education
Koç University
University of Peloponnese
University of Jena
University of Barcelona
University of Padua
INDIRE - National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research
Levinsky College of Education
Ars Media Srl
Institute for Education
Foundation for Access to Rights
University of Girona
Facilitating the access to educational systems has become urgent as well as challenging in 21st century society, especially when considering the contemporary global pandemic situation that emphasises existing performance discrepancies among the highly diversified student population. High NEET rates and shrinking participation in education highlight the demand for a targeted transmission of life skills to support individuals’ resilience and participation in wider society.
Our lifelong learning approach recognizes that competencies needed by children and adolescents today are not only disciplinary, but encompass various life skills - like social and emotional skills, citizenship, intercultural relational skills, and metacognition - as competencies in their own right, along with literacy and numeracy. Two dimensions are essential, namely lifelong and lifewide learning, which involves considering the diversity of learning settings.
The KIDS4ALLL project is grounded in the assumption that everybody should have the lifelong right and opportunity to access high-quality education. Moreover, the project team strongly believes that learners should also have the possibility to co-create their learning environment, thus to be involved in both their own learning and the potential training process of others.
Drawing on these premises, the project aims to implement a pilot action that will experiment a learning method based on peer learning (buddy system), and a resulting learning environment, in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
The proposed KIDS4ALLL learning method builds on knowledge acquisition, skills training and attitude transfer to convey lifelong learning competences as a whole within a collaborative and co-creative learning process. As a response to the educational needs of children, in particular of migrant children, and of educators as pathfinders for continuous lifelong and life wide learning, the project is grounded on three Key Inclusive Development Strategies (KIDS) towards LifeLongLearning (LLL), which represent the objectives of the project.
In particular, the objectives are the following:
1) Promoting and fostering the acquisition and transmission of competences that have been defined under the 8 LLL key thematic areas.
2) Enhancing the methodological competences of educators towards inclusive and participatory teaching, training and intercultural dialogue.
3) Testing the concept of peer-to-peer learning in form of buddyship collaboration (guided pairing of learners) with the lifelong and lifewide dimensions of learning in a 9-months pilot phase.
The learning method will be corroborated by the online and offline instruments that represent the KIDS4ALLL learning environment. The KIDS4ALLL project team envisages implementation of the pilot action in formal, non-formal and informal institutions in 9 countries (2 of which non-EU), all chosen because of their specific and variegated migration and educational contexts, and reaching approximately 1000 members of the principal target groups defined by the project. The impact of KIDS4ALLL will be brought about through the combined expertise of the consortium members, including academic institutions, civil society organizations and policymakers from 10 EU countries and 2 non-EU countries, and an International Advisory Board that covers six additional countries in Europe and beyond.
Piano delle attività:
Phase 1 (WP2): setting the basis for the project activities and the later pilot phase with data collection and analysis:
- to map specific research and pilot projects on EU- and local level, that focus on peer-to-peer and mentoring schemes for migrant children and all those groups in which migrant children can be inserted in through a review of EU-funded and other projects;
- to provide a cross-national comparative analysis between peer-to-peer and peer-for-peer (mentoring) collaboration in the educational context and map best practices focused on LLL competences;
- to list key findings for maximizing educational outcomes and to conduct qualitative data collection in institutions, that had been selected from the pool of best practice projects for peer-to-peer initiatives;
- to map real needs and wants of students, who will represent the future KIDS4ALLL learning environment users;
- to provide qualitative data from policymakers on experiences with implemented collaboration schemes.
Phase 2 (WP3-5): content development and operationalisation:
- coordination of the elaboration of the guidelines for orienting the content development;
- implementation of the learning contents into the KIDS4ALLL learning environments (online and offline tools);
- preparation and provision of corresponding training material;
- to develop and build capacities to ensure an efficient implementation of the pilot phase
Phase 3 (WP6-7): Pilot phase and assessment:
- to kick-off the 9 -months pilot phase of the learning environment;
- to implement and assess the experimental trial of the activities in the pilot institutions;
- to evaluate KIDS4ALLL’s role in empowering socio-emotional and citizenship competences of young people, in helping to achieve youth inclusion goals, in streghtening strategies and methodologies for inclusion which can be used by educators;
- to gather data about the sustainable use of KIDS4ALLL in different contexts.